
This application will help you to learn Russian language in easy and interesting way. You will find that phrases are easier to remember, because they have meaning, they paint a picture, they tell a story.


  • Learning words
  • Writing words
  • Make up phrases
  • Audition
  • Dictation
  • Prononsiation
  • Tests
  • Games

This application uses TTS (Text To Speech). Also each user can add their own dictionaries.

Download for Android

How to create the dictionaries for the main sections

Method 1

The easiest way to create the new dictionaries is use a personal computer and spreadsheet-template (download ruplus.xls for MS Office or ruplus.ods for OpenOffice).

I draw your attention that must necessarily be allowed to run macros.

Method 2

You can create your own XML-dictionary file in any text editor.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  russian_phrase="что [они] делают?"
  english_phrase="what are [they] doing?"
  transcription_phrase="chto oni delayut"/>
  russian_phrase="Он был для них как [отец]."
  english_phrase="He was like a [father] to them."
  transcription_phrase="on byl dlya nikh kak otets"/>
  russian_phrase="я не знаю, как [начать]"
  english_phrase="I don't know how to [begin]"
  transcription_phrase="ya ne znayu kak nachat'"/>

You must use UTF-8 encoding.

How to create the dictionaries for 'Tests'

Method 1

The easiest way to create the new dictionaries is use a personal computer and spreadsheet-template (download tests.xls for MS Office or tests.ods for OpenOffice).

Method 2

You can create your own XML-dictionary file in any text editor.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  question="Родители любят _____."
  answer1="взрослого сына"
  answer2="взрослому сыну"
  answer3="взрослый сын"
  answer4="взрослым сыном"
  question="Мне не нравится _____."
  answer1="новый компьютер"
  answer2="новому компьютеру"
  answer3="новом компьютере"
  answer4="новым компьютером"
  question="После _____ он пошёл в кафе."
  answer1="важной встречи"
  answer2="важной встрече"
  answer3="важной встречей"
  answer4="важную встречу"

Right answer must always be place in 'answer1' field and you must use UTF-8 encoding.

Database of publicly available dictionaries

Name Type Author Download
In a restaurant phrases Oleg Smith dic_01.xml
Hotel and Shopping phrases Oleg Smith dic_02.xml
Christmas and New Year words and phrases Oleg Smith dic_03.xml
Conversational phrases phrases Oleg Smith dic_04.xml
Business letters phrases Oleg Smith dic_05.xml
From the dialogues phrases Oleg Smith dic_06.xml
For example tests Oleg Smith test_01.xml

You can also add your dictionary to our database.